Jordan Lake Study Reports
Click for Final Jordan Lake ReportResearch Team Final Reports
- Paying for Nutrient Reduction and Management
- Policy Principles and Possibilities for the Jordan Lake Watershed
- Water Quality Monitoring and Water Circulation in Jordan Lake
- Evaluation of Controls of Algal Blooms
- Stream Monitoring and Nutrient Loading
- Sediment Dynamics
- Forest Conservation as a Nutrient Credit in the Jordan Lake Watershed
- Stormwater Control Measures
- Agriculture in the Jordan Lake Watershed
- Stakeholder Engagement in the Jordan Lake Watershed
Modeling Reports
Project Updates
- 2018 Interim Update to the N.C. General Assembly
- 2017 Interim Update to the N.C. General Assembly
- 2016 Interim Update to the N.C. General Assembly
Falls Lake Study Reports
Click for Final Falls Lake ReportResearch Team Final Reports
- Assessment of Zooplankton-Phytoplankton Relationships in Falls Lake to Guide Development of Site Specific Numeric Nutrient Criteria
- Community Engagement for Integrated Stormwater Management Implementation
- Cyanotoxin Presence and Year-Round Dynamics in Falls Lake
- Defining the Balance Between Cyanobacterial N2 Fixation and Denitrification in Falls of the Neuse Reservoir
- Estimating Nutrient Loads for Falls Lake From Streambank Erosion
- Evaluating Pollutant Treatment Efficiency by Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems in the North Carolina Piedmont
- Importance of Impoundment Ecosystems to Global Organic Carbon Cycling and Climate Change: Falls Lake
- In Situ Observational Study of Falls Lake Circulation and Physical Characteristics
- Paying for Nutrient Management in Falls Lake
- Policy in Focus: Can Amending the Falls Lake Rules Result in Achieving the Nutrient Water Quality Standards
- Policy in Focus: What Cost Sharing is Equitable When Stormwater is the Major Source of Pollution
- Policy in Focus: Evaluating the Benefits of Land Conservation on Water Quality in the Falls Lake Watershed
- Scientific Review of Watershed and Water Quality Modeling to Support Nutrient Management in the Falls Lake Watershed
Project Updates
- 2022 Interim Update to the N.C. General Assembly
- 2021 Interim Update to the N.C. General Assembly
- 2020 Interim Update to the N.C. General Assembly
2021 Research Team Reports
- Overview of the work of the Upper Neuse River Basin Association to support implementation and re-examination of the Falls Lake rules
- Assessment of zooplankton-phytoplankton relationships in Falls Lake to guide development of site specific numeric nutrient criteria
- Cyanotoxin presence and year-round dynamics in Falls Lake, North Carolina
- Defining the balance between cyanobacterial N2 fixation and denitrification in Falls of the Neuse Reservoir, NC
- The Importance of impoundment ecosystems to global organic carbon cycling and climate change, Falls Lake, NC
- In situ observational study of Falls Lake
- Nutrient Loading from onsite wastewater systems in the Falls Lake watershed: Evaluating the potential for nutrient load reductions via bioreactors
- Paying for nutrient management in the Falls Lake watershed
- Scientific review of watershed and water quality modeling to support nutrient management in the Falls Lake watershed
2020 Research Team Reports
- Overview of the Work of the UNRBA to Support Implementation and Re-examination of the Falls Lake Rules
- Cyanotoxin presence and year-round dynamics in Falls Lake
- Defining the balance between cyanobacterial N2 fixation and denitrification in Falls of the Neuse Reservoir, NC
- Estimating the Influence of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems on Nutrient Loading to Falls Lake Watershed
- Green-Street Retrofit Study: Wet Pond Retrofit Design Guidance
- In Situ Observational Study of Falls Lake Year 1 Report
- Paying for Nutrient Management in Falls Lake
- Quantifying sediment nutrient processing in Falls Lake
- The importance of lake and impoundment ecosystems to global organic carbon cycling and climate change